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Agricultural Youth Villages


The State of Israel was founded by pioneers who made the desert bloom and turned wastelands into farms which have provided the nation with produce since Independence. Agriculture is the pride of Israel and NA’AMAT’s two Youth Villages, Kanot and Ayanot. These residential high schools, with approximately 400 students in each have many that come from underprivileged families.  There is diverse population of teens with special needs. At-risk teens are offered the opportunity and the training to be part of this rich heritage. The students enrolled in these schools live there and regard the school as their home as well as a place of learning and socializing.


Ayanot has established vital training for paramedics. This EMT program trains students in basic medical practices, emergency services and ambulance work. Kanot features a program that prepares students to enter Hebrew University’s renowned School of Veterinary Medicine. They take the fundamental courses in the sciences as well as laboratory work and the chance to treat animals in veterinary clinics. Kanot also offers a 3 year program in police studies and criminology and prepares the students to join the Police Force. Kanot is also home to the Equestrian Center.

Along with their daily educational demands, these students are involved in extra-curricular and volunteer programs. Students visit seniors’ residences, help out at hospitals, work with animals and become big sisters or brothers to needy children.

As they gain new skills and feel the admiration of others, these young people gain pride in themselves and their hope for the future.


Upon graduation, all students are ready to take the country’s demanding matriculation exam, a prerequisite for admission to Israel’s universities.

Ayanot Youth Village
Kanot Youth village
Ayanotyouth village
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